When it comes to student loans, there are a lot of moving parts and often a lot of misunderstandings about the options an individual may have with regard to student loans. It is comforting to know that you can work with someone you can trust who has developed a thorough understanding of the student loan process and how the role student loans play in your life after you have completed your studies.
At my office, as opposed to some call center on the other side of the country, you can speak with a professional who approaches student loans with a different point of view, but always has your best interest at heart. Doug is a skilled attorney who has received specialized training with respect to student loans. I’ve long been a “warrior” for the little guy and helping consumers fight battles where they may feel overwhelmed. I will also look at your student loans from a financial planning point of view. I will provide you with an analysis on how they can impact different areas of your life (like retirement, changing careers, etc.), as well as your current financial situation.
If you’d like Doug on your side, send me a message through this web site for an intial consultation. Here’s what you get:
* Up to one hour initial consultation by telephone or in person.
* Unlimited follow-up for thirty days, if you need it.
* A full written report, generated by me and sent to you, listing your options, best course of action, and alternatives. And you get real bonded paper, not some crappy e-mail.
* The hope and confidence that your student loan situation is starting a turn for the better.
If you’d like to get started, send me a message using this form and I’ll be in touch soon.